Sunday, March 22, 2009


90$ out of the garage sale. spent 10$ on some wing stop. well spent i think . . . now i got 10$ on gas and 20$ until the 3rd for food/misc purposes. so that leaves 50$ for bills this month. gotts keep that phone on and the creditors at bay you know

i have plenty of clothes and items left too. i have to see how much i can get for everything before i take that last resort of goodwill. it isnt that giving things away is a bad thing or something i dont want to do, but i prefer exhausting sources that leave me a little heavier in the pockets.

im going to be focusing on how i want to make my dress for my moms wedding. i need something about knee length and summery and saffron or a horizon blue. im hoping the blue because itll go better with my light skin tone. im not sure of i want it strapless or decent straps. definitely not a halter though . . . pretty much one of these.